Tulip Holidays And Resorts Pvt Ltd False commitment No response

I have been invited along with wife at carre four hotel for some tie-up celebration event. On 11-Jun-2022.
After visit i got to know that its a promotional activity of thier holiday package.
Package was not so much value for money, I felt.
But, their one executive, assured me and make me card swipe of 22, 000 with an assurance that if i withdraw my consent on or before 20-Jun-2022. Then, I will be refunded 100% of my money.
After withdrawing consent and applying fo refund.
I have been sending several emails, and a month ago they wanted me to give consent for some charges without even disclosing their charges and other details. They mentioned some charges.
On that I asked for clarification of charges, but, no response from them.
Even they might have some setting in government bodies, I felt because after lodging a giverence at consumer giverence cell. I have got no response from there too.
Its been 100 days from the payment. but, seems these people are like organised fraudsters. They collect data of busy professionals with decent salary from various sources like car showrooms, two wheeler showrooms and automobile websites and other different sources. The reason behind their choice of audience of “busy professionals” is that no one will have time to go behind them, and every one knows that there are many loop holes in the system and heavy lawyer fees mean while they are having big network and big turnover so they can afford a good lawyer where as a normal person cannot. and government bodies like consumer grieverence are just for name sake, not even a feedback call from govt. institution of consumer griverence received.

My advise to people is that plan your trip along with family members and not to rely on such holiday companies and not to trust people like this. If you wish to trust then there are many good companies for holidays like sterling holidays or club mahindra etc. those big brands are a bit costly but their administration is smooth and proper at any level.
After my incident I cam accross many people out there who are stuck in same or same-like scenario. like waiting for refund, confirmation of membership, voucher not working, so on and so forth.

If this message reaches to some proper authority kind of person then please help me out.

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