Resilient Innovations Private Limited (bharatpe) abusing and threatening

We are the borrower and we took this loan(1Lakh) in the year 2021. Due to pandemic I was able to make 44K+ repayments seamlessly, only with ninth day of default they started abusing and calling all my contact lists and abusing them as, well. I reported this matter to “BjaratPe” higher management while reporting then, this matter on social media, there was a claim none of our employee will ever do this.

I had a conversation with BP’s collection country head, I was given a commient (proofs all written in an email and voice records available)…there was no response to my email & not any till date. However, there has been multiple instances where they or their hired agency is illegally using contact list of my phone and dialling up any number, false claiming of the loan amount, guarantor and threatening them and asking anonyms person to clear the dues (that I had agreed to pay) but in this case (BharatPe) Resilient Innovations Private Limited needs to be sued for illegally using the data of the borrower and calling n numbers in the list and abusing, threatening, maligining my mothers(Borrower) name.

If seek relief and also compensation or can they be ban from doing business? Coz they are working just like a fraud may work.

I am available to provide you with all the evidences that I am claiming through my writing here.

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