Company’s HR Personnal approach me for providing part time job. I accepted the same. They had big group created on Telegram app through which they used to guide bunch of peoples. firstly they give you one Receptionist (I was provided with a name called Smriti-Omnicom Group who take care of your money transfer into your account.
Its all physcological game they play with people. firstly they give you easy tasks, saying just like the youtube videos, whatever they share on group. each task has 25 minutes and in a day you have to complete 24 tasks, in which prepaid tasks (which is biggest spam, which i stated below in detail) you have to compulsorily subscribed and assure you to refund your amount with profits.
This prepaid tasks are biggest scam they play with people. firstly they gave you plans to subscribe and appoint one teacher who guide you through task. I was provided with a Teacher name Balavan having telegram ID of @Balavan8686 .and through Merchants (leader of them) they start task with very hurry and just push you long to process immediately. first they gain trust and then they play phycologically with you. first ask you to pay 5000 approx then put that money in site – and earn profit. like wise they ask you to pay more and more . likewise I paid 2, 50, 000/- they said it you will get refund immediatly with 40% of profit. and they trap you in a game like you cant go out. lastly they said you have to pay more 300000, then only you can get your money back.
This is only the facts what above stated. I have all the proofs and records to take a legal action. I seek my refund with interest after which only I will withdraw my complaints against the Company
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