Hi, I placed an order with Damro JP Nagar Bangalore with order number JPN2223SO1094KA. The sales coordinator Vignesh confirmed that the product will be delivered by July 5 by 7:00pm. I was called by the sales guy Vignesh at 7:30pm on July 5 to say the product will be delivered on July 6 now and before 2:00pm. These people think that the only work people have is to wait for their delivery. I have had to let go two days of important work just waiting for the delivery to arrive. At 1:00pm on July 6 I called the sales guy Vignesh multiple times and he did not answer the call. I subsequently called the store and they had no idea about my order or its delivery date. At 1:00pm, on July 6, I am waiting after making the full payment and losing two days of my work and salary for a product that may or may not arrive. I consider this as sub standard customer service and pure harrasment and seek immediate intervention.
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