Choci Coorg product is poor quality. The chocolates don’t taste good at all. The salesmen keep marketing it as a pure product which I find hard to believe. Tastes just…
Category: <span>Others</span>
Based on the discussion took membership for 6 day 7 night (on 16th July 2023) from Orationis International Services. They said go for EMI and no interest or processing fee…
Sir, I had given money to Ravi Thakur to do the spell. After two spells, he became reluctant, after that he called me and said that he will neither do…
Ticket booked from but before journey date they inform that jorney aborted. Till date they have not been refund ticket price
My father had made investment through application no. D0252971 and certificate no. 325668 in 1997. However there was no payment done on maturity Can anyone help filing the claim as…
Maturity Amount Rs.1, 44, 000/- with Interest upto date not received till date from Sterling Tree Magnum India Ltd. Application number G107299 and Certificate number D1382 Maturity Date Sept.2014. Jawahar…
Purchased Two Teak Tree worth Rs.1475/- each in the year Sept.1994 The Maturity date is Sept.2014 maturity amount is 144000/- not any response not any reply, not update company detail,…
From: Mohammed Azad Hossin Date: Sun, Nov 7, 2021, 12:14 PM Subject: Honorable dear sir president Joe Biden The white house please contact your officer this address. My million GBP£…
My name is Sunil Kumar Agarwal, I took one certificate from M/s. Sterling Tree Magnum (India) Ltd, Application no.- J 518226 dated 19/03/1996. The certificate purchase value was Rs 1775…
I want to complain regarding water supply in Manik Chowk Area in Aligarh. Due to water supply all people live in Manik Chowk Area has to face so many problems…
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