Received what’s up messages from contact mentor for job assignment. Here starts the web link to contact mentor using the link
Here starts the journey of part time job. Then the mentor will give access to mall trading platform to create virtual sales, where in you are asked to complete the assigned purchase tasks. The most trusted part is, it will successfully get a high return on small amounts, here the big catch for trapping the jobless to invest more and more to complete the task. This job scam is luring job less to loot the hard in the name.of part time job. We talk about Cyber Crime, but I am not sure how these companies are still existing and run to suck boold and sweat from poor people. What would be a good learned.lesson than this type of scams. Beware of browsing for information one should come across. I missed this and emptied my hard earned money in full and I am literally on road for even daily expenses loosing literally 2000000 with tears. Who can help to recover this…?
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