Ii wanted a full-time maid to lok after my bedridden wife and to do all house maid services. I paid rs 30, 000/to see house maid details. Sani-a khan mumbai incharge gives false promises and cheats the public. After repeated folowup sent a phyco, first jan, who on the first day after midnight, started searching my flat and looted all valuables and hidden them in her air bag. She does not know any maid service and patient care. The so-called sania, in charge never give details about her boss and telephone number. After repeated follow up of two weeks sent another christian lady, in spite of my first condition was a hindu maid. Sania khan forced me to accept her selection which was against my request. And so was third lady, who was against my demand and continue force me to accept. I was fed up with sonia and asked her to return my cash advance of rs30, 000/which she is refusing to refund even after 2 months. Sent several emails and whatsapp, but none of her superiars are hel;ping. Or replying?, , .
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